Importance of the study of international economics; Inter-regional and international trade; Theories of absolute advantage, Comparative advantage and opportunity cost; Heckscher - Ohlin theory of trade - its main features, assumptions and limitations.
Gains from trade - Their Measurement and Distribution: Trade as an engine of economic growth; concepts of terms of trade and their importance in the theory of trade.
Types of t¬ariffs and quotas; Their impact in partial equilibrium analysis; Free trade and policy of tariffs in relation to economic growth with special reference to India.
Concepts and components of balance of payments; Equilibrium and disequilibria in balance of payment; consequences of disequilibrium in balance of payments; Various Measures to correct deficit in the balance of payments; Relative merits, Demerits and limitation of devaluation; functions of IMF, World Bank and GATT/ WTO; Reform of the International Monetary system and India. Regional Trade agreements - SAARC & ASEAN.
Recent changes in the composition and direction of foreign trade : causes and effects of persistent deficit in balance of payments; Measures adopted by the government to correct the deficit; Need for and rationale of trade reforms in India (Including partial and full Convertibility of rupee); recent export and import policies of India; Role of Multinational corporations in India.
*A minimum of one case study will be discussed per unit of the syllabi.
Text Books:
Suggested readings: