Macro level HR Planning and Labour Market Analysis, Micro level (Organisational) HR Planning, HRP components, benefits and process
Meaning and definition, job analysis process, techniques of Job Evaluation, Job Design and Role Analysis and Job Enlargement and Enrichment, competency based approach
Forecasting manpower needs, process, projecting future talent supply, Workload Analysis, Work force flow mapping, Models and techniques of human resource demand and supply forecasting, Wastage Analysis, scenario forecasting, regression analysis
HRIS A Framework: Concept, Management, Information, System, HRIS definitions, Nature & Scope, Characteristics, Functions, Importance & Failures, and MIS & Use of Computers. HRIS: A support to the management, Management effectiveness, Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, and MIS: A tool for management process
Human Resource Audit, Behavioural factors in human resource planning and Skills Inventory, challenges of succession management, replacement analysis, career planning and its process, Human Resource Accounting